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What We Do

ZeroSmart enables you to do something about climate change



Scientists are clear that polar bears face a profound threat to their survival in the coming decades

Earth desperately needs our help

We can't keep destroying our planet

Climate change is real and it impacts all of us. Climate change is the rising temperatures and sea levels, the melting ice caps and forest fires; climate change is deforestation and the destruction of the Amazon; climate change is the extinction of animal species, the death of coral reefs, the destruction of biodiversity. 

It's too late to just reduce our impact on the planet, we urgently need to reverse decades of ignorance, misinformation and  irresponsible leadership.


Clean Energy

We only support trustworthy, high-impact projects which make a difference to the environment, people and animals

ZeroSmart funds climate projects around the world

Climate projects remove CO2 from the atmosphere

We fund the removal of greenhouse gases from the atmosphere which are the main reason for climate change. This can be done in a number of ways - from planting trees (which naturally absorb CO2) to turning biogas into renewable fuel. These projects directly support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement, as well as the UK government Net Zero by 2050 target. 

Our climate projects also support local communities with sustainable development benefits like providing fair-wage jobs and clean drinking water. 


Travelers in Nature

You can make a real, positive and measurable difference with the ZeroSmart subscription plans

You CAN reduce your carbon footprint to ZERO

Support climate projects to become carbon neutral

We know every little helps and we absolutely salute you for caring enough about the environment to make changes in your lifestyle. ​But meat-free Mondays and cycling to work can only take us so far. After minimising your climate impact, you can support the change to a low-carbon future by offsetting your unavoidable emissions with our high-impact climate projects. 

Our monthly subscription plans make your carbon footprint ZERO. Sign up today to prevent climate change by supporting ZeroSmart's climate projects.

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